CS Cohort

CS Cohort of Elementary Preservice Teacher Educators

As part of the Building Capacity for Indiana Preservice Computer Science Education project, IU initiated the CS Cohort of Elementary Teacher Educators. We collaborated with 20 faculty members representing 14 elementary teacher preparation programs across Indiana. This collaboration included asynchronous and synchronous online sessions and activities during April and May 2024. The CS cohort members were involved in five hours of synchronous online sessions and 2.5 hours of asynchronous videos of CS-related topics. Some of the topics covered and discussed include:  

  • CS and CS Visions 
  • CS Standards and Framework 
  • Programing and Coding Workshops 
  • CS Curriculum and Resources for K-5 
  • CS Integration 
  • CS in Elementary Teacher Preparation Programs 


In addition to online sessions, 15 of the cohort members stayed in Bloomington to participate in the CSPDWeek. Participation included sessions organized by IU and CSPDWeek partners, which included topics like the integration of CS in literacy, physical computing, AI for social good, and more. Cohort members had a chance to reflect on their journey of learning and teaching CS in their elementary preservice teacher preparation programs. In total, cohort members attended 24 hours of professional development sessions throughout the week of events from Monday, June 10, through Friday, June 14.

CS Cohort Activity Summary


 Represented Institutions  


CS Cohort Activities March – May 2024 

CS Cohort Activities June 2024 


14 universities and colleges in IN 





20 faculty members of elementary teacher preparation programs 




  • Applications 
  • Initial 1:1 meeting  


  • Initial 1:1 meeting 
  • Whole group meeting 
  • Coding workshops 
  • Asynchronous activities and resources  


  • 1:1 check-in 
  • Group meetings  
  • Asynchronous activities and resources 

CSPD Week: 

  • Total of 24 hours of in-person PD sessions 


CS Cohort: 

  • 6 hours of in-person sessions 
  • 5 hours of networking and collaboration time